Open Burning
📌Helpful Link: OhioEPA Open Burn Guide
Individuals that choose to conduct open burning in Ohio should be aware of rules and regulations that may affect them. Following are several regulatory items to consider:
Ohio Revised Code 1503.18 prohibits most open burning in unincorporated areas in March, April, May, October, and November between 6am and 6pm. Open burning during these times may be permissible if conditions outlined in the exclusionary text are met. This code is under authority of the Ohio Division of Forestry.
The Ohio EPA has authority regarding open burning under Ohio Administrative Code.
Local governments or fire departments may have local burn rules established. It is good practice to check with these local entities prior to conducting open burns.
Individuals may be held liable for damages caused as a result of a fire that they kindle.
Consider disposing of yard waste through alternative methods, such as composting.
❌ What open burning is NEVER allowed?
Under Ohio law, these materials may not be burned anywhere in the state at any time:
Garbage—any wastes created in the process of handling, preparing, cooking or consuming food;
Materials containing rubber, grease and asphalt or made from petroleum, such as tires, cars and auto parts, plastics or plasticcoated wire; and
Dead animals—unless approved for control of disease by a governing agency.
Other restrictions:
❌ Not allowed when air pollution warnings, alerts or emergencies are in effect.
❌ Fires cannot obscure visibility for roadways, railroad tracks or air fields.
❌ No wastes generated off the premises may be burned. For example, a tree trimming contractor may not haul branches and limbs to another site to burn.
✅ So what can I burn?
Information from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s guide on Open Burning.
Read the whole pamphlet here: OhioEPA Open Burn Brochure